The 7th KANOON International Biannual Art Competition & Exhibition (Tehran, Iran)
19 June 2013

Our friends and regular participants of our project Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children & Young Adults (KANOON) announces The 7th KANOON International Biannual Art Competition & Exhibition.

The term of works submission - until November 21, 2013

The 8th Intenational Arts Competition for Children «Oh, Sport! You are the World!»(Bryansk, Russia)
25 October 2012

Our partner Bryansk children's art school announces The 8th Intenational Arts Competition for Children «Your spiritual treasure ...». The theme of the competition is «Oh, Sport! You are the World!»

The term of works submission - until  March 1, 2013

The Great Well-Known and Unknown Artists (Rybnik, Poland)
23 January 2012

Youth Culture Club in Rybnik invites everyone to enter the 12th International Art Competition for Children and Youth "The Great Well-Known and Unknown Artists".

The term of works submission - until February 29, 2012.

IX Interetno Festival (Serbia)
20 September 2011

The Hungarian Culture Center “Népkör” in Subotica announces competitions for children to create EX LIBRIS artworks as an accompanying program of IX Interetno Festival.

The term of works submission - until May 31, 2011.

The Great Well-Known and Unknown (Poland)
01 April 2011

Youth Culture Club in Rybnik invites everyone to enter the 11th International Art Competition "The Great Well-Known and Unknown".

The term of works submission - until March 1, 2011.